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How To Be In Uncertainty

It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to be powerful. It’s okay to be strong.

In turbulent times the peaceful warrior is most useful. A calm, stable and solid energy will lead the tribe to peace.

It’s easy to feel insecure and fearful with all the uncertainty we are experiencing. I find myself in pursuit of knowledge, wanting to know how all this works. Sometimes to the point of indulgence. I feel more comfortable the more complete my understanding of the situation is, even when it seems dire.

When I dig into the potentialities of what’s going on I feel some level of guilt. I want to help, provide a safe place, an escape from the madness. At this moment, I have yet to realize the dream of a physical space to protect those I love.

For now, the reprieve I can attempt to provide is not physical. I can call friends and family, be available to help those I’ve yet to know, share information and cultivate community.

These obscure actions may be our best tactics in our current battle. We need to find togetherness while we are apart. Sometimes I just need to vent, articulate what I’ve learned, hear another perspective or laugh at some absurdity.

When I’m feeling lonely, insecure, sad, even frustrated, I find it useful to lean into my inner warrior a bit. Sometimes it’s useful to remember that we’re badass.

Some of the things I like to do to cultivate inner strength are, meditate, run, listen to powerful music, shoot my bow, journal and look to the stars.